Did Death Battle get it right or wrong?: Kratos vs Spawn
Thumbnails by me :D This is a series of blogs where I look at somewhat controversial episodes in Death Battle. Today is Kratos vs Spawn. Spawn Equipment K-7 Leetha K-7 Leetha. The suit that Spawn wears is a neural parasite , It grows stronger through inflicting pain. Spawn can directly control the suit . It can change it's appearance such as , a police officer or some white guy. Leetha grants him precognition like the Spider sense. The suit feeds on sinful emotions like hate and anger , it feeds off souls . It can make Spawn intangible, being able to phase through objects. Leetha completely acts on its own even when Spawn isn't conscious . Leetha allows Spawn to use very powerful chains and cape. Sword Of The Spirit A sword powered by Spawn's will. Devouring the souls of it's foes. Spawn used it to seal off Hell fro...